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Senator Hirono Votes to Confirm Alvaro Bedoya as Federal Trade Commissioner, Breaking FTC’s Partisan Deadlock

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Mazie K. Hirono (D-HI) voted to confirm Alvaro Bedoya as a Federal Trade Commissioner. His confirmation to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) breaks a seven-month-long 2-2 partisan split at the FTC, giving Democrats a majority to carry out the FTC’s consumer protection mission.

“With prices rising and corporations raking in record profits, the American people deserve strong leadership at the FTC that will do everything in its power to protect consumers and hold corporate power accountable,” said Senator Hirono. “Corporate executives cannot be allowed to use inflation as an excuse to raise prices on essential goods that families need, which is why the FTC’s enforcement work is so critical in this moment.  Now that Commissioner Bedoya has been confirmed and the FTC’s partisan deadlock has been broken, the Commission’s pro-consumer majority should use its full authority to help ensure consumers are getting a fair deal and corporations are playing by the rules.”

As part of her focus on lowering costs for working families, Senator Hirono has advocated for the FTC to do everything it can to protect consumers and hold corporations accountable. Last month, she introduced legislation to strengthen the FTC’s authority to crack down on corporate price gouging. She also held a series of events across Hawaii to highlight the impact of rising costs on families and her work to help lower costs.
