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Hirono: “As this bill moves forward, I look forward to working with my Judiciary Committee colleagues on ways the bill can strengthen opportunities to reunite families and set immigrants up for success”

Washington, D.C. - Senator Mazie K. Hirono released the following statement today reacting to the bipartisan immigration bill unveiled by the Senate Gang of Eight.

“I appreciate the Gang of Eight’s hard work over many months to move us closer to achieving comprehensive immigration reform. I look forward to reviewing the details of the bill, particularly the provisions that are intended to mitigate the harm to families caused by eliminating the sibling category of visas, and the provisions that affect immigrants’ access to the country’s safety net programs. As an immigrant who came to this country as a young girl, I know how important it is to support immigrant families in order for them to succeed in this country. As this bill moves forward, I look forward to working with my Judiciary Committee colleagues on ways the bill can strengthen opportunities to reunite families and set immigrants up for success.”