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National Guard Association Honors Hirono for Decades of Service to Guard Members & Families

The National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) honored Senator Mazie K. Hirono for her advocacy on behalf of National Guard members and their families. NGAUS President Gus Hargett and Hawaii National Guard Adjutant General Joe Logan presented Senator Hirono with the Montgomery Medal, one of the organization’s highest honors.

“In Hawaii, we have a special appreciation for the National Guard as both first responders and defenders of our country,” said Senator Hirono. “I am honored to be recognized by NGAUS, a leading voice fighting for our men and women in uniform. But it’s clear that we have a lot more work ahead of us, and I look forward to continuing to work with NGAUS, particularly in our fight to improve the military health care system and end the sequester.”

“The men and women of the National Guard, not just in Hawaii but across the country, have no bigger champion in the U.S. Senate than Mazie Hirono,” said Retired Major General Gus Hargett, NGAUS President. “She cares about them and their missions. She cares about their families. And she cares about their employers. When National Guard soldiers and airmen need help in the Senate, we all know we can count on her.”

Senator Hirono also paid tribute to Representative Mark Takai, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Hawaii Army National Guard and a NGAUS life member.