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“It’s not only quite a beautiful place, but it seems to be quite a progressive place,” said host Robin Morgan

Washington, D.C. – Last week, Senator Mazie K. Hirono touted Hawaii as a model of progress on national radio, appearing on WMC Live with Robin Morgan. WMC Live is a weekly talk radio show with national syndication that has featured guests such as Sheryl Sandberg, Sandra Fluke, and Dee Dee Myers. In the interview, Morgan noted that Hawaii has been ahead of the rest of the country on many things, many of which Hirono has supported throughout her career. Hirono lauded the recent passage of marriage equality in the 50th state, reflected on the legacy of Congresswoman Patsy T. Mink and discussed her decision to donate her salary from the government shutdown to meals on wheels programs in Hawaii:

On Hawaii becoming the 15th state to codify marriage equality:
“And here we are, Hawaii, having just passed marriage equality,” Hirono said. “It’s something that I have supported for a long time.”

On the legacy of Congresswoman Patsy T. Mink:
“And you mentioned my friend Patsy Mink, who continues to be an inspiration to me along with my mother,” Hirono said on Congresswoman Patsy Mink, the first woman of color to be elected to Congress. “We were friends because we were both in elected office for many years and our paths crossed many times. The last time that I saw Patsy was at a Fourth of July parade and she invited me to have lunch with her. I was running for governor at that time and she said to me, ‘Mazie, you just have to win. You just have to win.’ And I knew what she was talking about. It is from a woman who had run for governor, for mayor, for President, for Congress, and she just kept picking herself up. She was a trailblazer in so many ways.

On donating government shutdown salary to non-profit organizations that provide meal delivery and congregate meals across the state:
“I continue to be very privileged to serve here, and programs such as meals on wheels and the food bank are programs that I have supported…what could be more fundamental than providing food to people,” Hirono remarked on the donation.

You can listen to the entire show by following this link. Hirono’s interview begins at the 29-minute mark. The full episode is also available for free as a podcast on iTunes. Robin Morgan is an award-winning poet, novelist, political theorist, feminist activist, journalist, editor, and best-selling author. Morgan co-founded the Women’s Media Center in 2005 with Jane Fonda and Gloria Steinem.