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Hirono Votes to Keep Government Open, Secure Disaster Relief Funding for Maui

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Mazie K. Hirono (D-HI) voted to pass a continuing resolution (CR) to fund the federal government and deliver disaster relief for Maui. The CR, which funds the federal government through November 17, 2023, includes $16 billion in supplemental funding for the federal Disaster Relief Fund and passed the Senate by a vote of 88-9. The bill passed the House earlier today by a vote of 335-91, and now goes to President Biden’s desk to be signed into law.

“Today, I voted to keep the federal government open and deliver critical disaster relief for Maui,” said Senator Hirono. “With $16 billion in disaster relief funding, this legislation will help ensure FEMA and the federal family of agencies have the resources they need to continue their important recovery work on Maui and in other communities impacted by disasters across the country. This bipartisan agreement benefits the people of Hawaii and our country and prevents the chaos a shutdown would cause.

“Radical House Republicans were willing to bring us to the brink of a government shutdown in a failed attempt to slash safety net programs, endangering the welfare of children and families across our country. Astoundingly, 90 of them still voted to shut down the government today without any alternatives. In the critical days ahead, Congress must also keep its commitment to fund and support Ukraine, as we’ve consistently done on a bipartisan basis. Failure to do so would send a dangerous message to Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping about our commitment to defending democracy and our national security. Work remains over the next 45 days.”
