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Hirono to Oppose Nominees for Energy & Interior Secretaries

Senator Mazie K. Hirono, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, will oppose the nominations of Governor Rick Perry to serve as Secretary of Energy and Representative Ryan Zinke to serve as Secretary of the Interior. The Energy and Natural Resources Committee will vote on the nominations this morning.

“The Trump Administration has made it clear they intend to deny the reality of climate change and prioritize fossil fuel extraction above responsible use of our public lands and our nation’s clean energy sources,” Senator Hirono said. “Under the previous administration, our country made significant progress in confronting the challenge of climate change, growing our renewable energy economy, ensuring clean air and water, and protecting our public lands.

“During my personal conversations with Governor Perry and Representative Zinke, and after their confirmation hearings, I do not believe they would continue to protect the progress we’ve made or stand up to climate deniers within the Trump administration.”