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Hirono Takes to Senate Floor in Opposition to Secret GOP Health Care Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Senator Mazie K. Hirono took to the Senate floor today to oppose the version of Trumpcare being written in secret by Senate Republicans.

From Senator Hirono’s remarks:                 

“Right now 13 of our male colleagues are sequestered away somewhere, plotting how to deprive millions of women across our country access to essential health care. Frankly, it’s sad that we are having this debate at all. But it isn’t surprising.

“Before the ACA, insurance companies could discriminate against women of childbearing age. They could charge outrageous rates for birth control and contraceptives. Now, under the ACA, women have secure access to care before, during, and after their pregnancies. They can no longer be charged outrageous rates simply for having a child, or be denied access to mental health services if she suffers post-partum depression.”

“The fight against Trumpcare continues, but I’m going to do everything I can to protect women’s health and their right to control their bodies. I urge my colleagues to oppose any measure in Trumpcare that takes women back to the days when our very gender was considered a preexisting condition.”

Tomorrow, Senator Hirono will hold a press conference to discuss how Trumpcare will negatively impact Americans living with serious and chronic diseases.

Hirono Takes to Senate Floor in Opposition to Secret GOP Health Care Bill

Click on the photo above to watch Senator Hirono’s full speech
