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Hirono Supports Bipartisan Budget Agreement

Senator Mazie K. Hirono voted early this morning to support a two-year budget agreement that removes caps put in place by the Budget Control Act for two years and keeps the country from defaulting on its debt. The measure overwhelmingly passed the Senate 64-35.

“This bipartisan measure is a reasonable compromise that protects our seniors, keeps our economy on track, and takes a number of manufactured crises off the table for two years,” said Senator Hirono. “By removing harmful sequester caps on both military and domestic spending, this legislation is the first step to enacting a National Defense Authorization Act that appropriately supports our military and avoiding a government shutdown in December. While this agreement is not the one I would have written, it is a pathway to negotiating appropriations bills that adequately fund priorities like education, housing and community development, medical research, and job creation.”