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Hirono Statement on Senate Passage of Bipartisan Gun Safety Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mazie K. Hirono (D-HI), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, today voted to pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, legislation that would take meaningful steps to make communities safer from the epidemic of gun violence. The Senate passed this legislation—which now heads to the House where it is also expected to pass—following the dangerous and troubling Supreme Court decision to limit the ability of state and local governments to restrict guns outside the home.

“Today, the Senate worked together in a bipartisan way to pass meaningful legislation to make our communities safer. This bill won’t end the epidemic of gun violence—but it will save lives by establishing common sense reforms that move us in the right direction. We were able to break years of gridlock and close the “boyfriend loophole,” promote red flag laws, and provide funding for mental health services,” said Senator Hirono. “At the same time, we have an extreme right-wing Supreme Court that is busy making it easier to put the lives of our families and our communities at risk. This dangerous and troubling decision continues the Supreme Court’s path to ease restrictions on gun safety. Therefore, it is even more critical that we enact these long overdue steps—which will not only save lives, but pave the way for additional much-needed reforms. Our work doesn’t stop today.”  

 Specifically, the bill will:

  • Provide more than $4.5 billion in supplemental funds to Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of Health and Human Service (HHS), and the Department of Education, including:
    • $250 million over five years in DOJ grants for community violence intervention (CVI) programs, which would double existing DOJ annual funding for CVI;
    • $750 million over five years in DOJ Byrne-JAG grants to states for crisis intervention programs, including implementation of red flag laws;
    • $3 billion for school and community mental health grants and activities, including at least $28 million over four years for the Trauma Support in Schools program that Durbin and Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) created in 2018 to help break the cycle of trauma and violence;
    • $300 million over five years in DOJ school safety grants for training, technology, and security infrastructure; and,
    • $100 million for the FBI to increase their capacity to conduct NICS background checks.
  • Take a significant step toward closing the “boyfriend loophole” by prohibiting gun possession for five years by persons convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence who are in a current or recent former dating relationship with the victim. 
  • Create new federal criminal offenses for straw purchasing and firearms trafficking, which will provide a significant federal deterrent for this behavior.
  • Redefine and clarify what it means to be “engaged in the business” of dealing guns, which triggers the requirement to conduct background checks on prospective purchasers.
  • Require an enhanced background check process before long guns can be sold to prospective buyers who are between the ages of 18-21.  
  • Expand nationwide an innovative payment model, the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic, that boosts access to behavioral health care services.  
  • Increase the delivery of mental health care in schools and communities, including through telehealth, by updating Medicaid policies and guidance to clarify the availability of coverage for key services for youth.  
