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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Mazie K. Hirono, a member of the Senate Armed Services and the Veterans’ Affairs committees, released the following statement on today’s resignation of U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Eric Shinseki.

“General Eric Shinseki’s patriotism and dedication to this nation is without parallel. I’ve had a number of opportunities to talk directly with General Shinseki about the challenges facing the VA. I agree with the President’s statement that his ‘commitment to our veterans is unquestioned.’

“I respect the Secretary’s decision to step aside in order to avoid being a distraction. The focus should be on delivering care to our veterans and ensuring the VA has the necessary resources to accomplish that. As I’ve done all year long, I met with veterans groups in Hawaii this week to discuss their firsthand experiences with the VA. I will take their comments, insights and concerns back to DC to inform my work to address the unacceptable situation that has been uncovered.”

Hirono had previously questioned Shinseki directly during a hearing of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee on May 15, 2014. This week, Hirono met with veterans in Hawaii, including hosting a roundtable in Aliamanu.