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Hirono, Senate Judiciary Democrats Vote to Oppose Gorsuch

Senator Mazie K. Hirono voted in the Senate Judiciary Committee to oppose the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch.

Before the vote, Senator Hirono questioned the low bar set for the President’s Supreme Court nominee:

“We cannot and should not evaluate Judge Gorsuch’s nomination based on the low bar President Trump has established for his nominees. Paper credentials are not enough, and we should not give Judge Gorsuch a pass just because he has them. Judge Gorsuch’s nomination is the product of a years-long campaign by extreme right wing organizations to continue to transform the Supreme Court in their image.

“Judge Gorsuch’s supporters want him on the court to hear a particular case with major ramifications. And they clearly have a very good idea of how this nominee who was selected by the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society would rule. Just as they are confident he meets their litmus tests and the litmus tests of the President who nominated him.”