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Hirono: Republicans of Conscience Should Join Call for Special Prosecutor

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Senator Mazie K. Hirono took to the Senate floor today to continue her call for the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the Trump administration’s ties to Russia and interference in our democracy.

From Senator Hirono’s remarks:

“Most recently, the Washington Post reported that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threatened to resign after the White House misrepresented his role in the decision to fire Director Comey. CNN reported that President Trump fired Director Comey because he would not provide ‘assurance of personal loyalty.’ And both CNN and the Wall Street Journal reported that the decision to fire Director Comey came after the FBI’s investigation was accelerating.

“This kind of presidential interference in an ongoing investigation is unprecedented, suspicious, and deeply concerning. These revelations, and those that are sure to come, further argue in favor of appointing a special prosecutor to fully investigate the Russia/Trump matter. A special prosecutor with full autonomy can follow the evidence wherever it leads and prosecute as appropriate. I call upon Republicans of conscience to stand up and join the call for a special prosecutor.”

5.11.17 Floor Remarks Call for Special Prosecutor

Click on the photo above to watch Senator Hirono’s remarks 
