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Hirono Reiterates Support for Students and Teachers During National Public Schools Week

Hirono Received Top Score on the National Education Association’s Legislative Report Card

WASHINGTON, D.C.–Senator Mazie K. Hirono reiterated her commitment to supporting Hawaii’s public schools and fighting against Betsy DeVos and the Trump administration’s efforts to undermine public education during National Public Schools Week.

“Our nation’s public schools are foundational to the success of millions of students in Hawaii and across the country,” Senator Hirono said. “At a time when Betsy DeVos and Donald Trump are working to dismantle our public school system and attack teachers, I will continue to fight on behalf of our keiki and our educators.”

Earlier this year, Senator Hirono received the top score on the National Education Association’s Legislative Report Card for strong and consistent leadership on behalf of public school students and teachers.

“Senator Hirono has a very strong record of supporting and protecting Hawaii’s public schools, students, and educators. The HSTA is grateful to her for always fighting at the federal level for improvements to public education,” Corey Rosenlee, President of the Hawaii State Teachers Association (HSTA) said.

“We applaud Senator Hirono for her tireless support for public education and the important issues facing public schools,” National Education Association President Lily Eskelsen García said. “Students should have the opportunity for a fulfilling education experience. We know that public education has always been the great equalizer; and we must do everything we can to keep it that way and give every child growing up in America the ability to succeed and be the best they can be. In recognizing Public Schools Week, we acknowledge the combined efforts of educators, families, communities, businesses, and services to come together and support public schools.”

Senator Hirono was recognized for her strong support of legislation to increase federal funding for school infrastructure projects, support rural schools, provide working families with affordable child care, increase the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2024, and renew the Children’s Health Insurance Program, among other important priorities. Last year, Senator Hirono strongly opposed the confirmation of now-Education Secretary Betsy DeVos because of her lack of experience and questionable commitment to our nation’s public school educators and students.
