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Hirono Receives Perfect Score from Leading Environmental Advocacy Groups

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  Senator Mazie K. Hirono (D-Hawaii) received 100% scores from two leading environmental advocacy groups—the League of Conservation Voters and the Defenders of Wildlife for her work in the Senate to stand up for environmental protections and fight the Trump administration’s efforts to open public lands for drilling and prioritize fossil fuel extraction over renewable energy.

“The Trump administration and Congressional Republicans’ anti-environment leaders and policies ignore the science of climate change and prioritize fossil fuel extraction over protecting our precious natural resources,” said Senator Hirono, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. “These scores reflect my commitment to protecting our aina and our water resources, and I’m proud to continue my work with the League of Conservation Voters and the Defenders of Wildlife.” 

“Senator Hirono is a stalwart defender of environmental protections, standing up to the onslaught of attacks on our environment last year from an increasingly extreme congressional leadership,” said Sara Chieffo, Vice President of Government Affairs, League of Conservation Voters. “As the Trump administration pushes a pro-polluter agenda, the people of Hawaii can count on Senator Hirono to fight to boost clean energy, combat climate change, preserve Hawaii’s beautiful public lands, and protect clean air and water for all.”

Senator Hirono is a cosponsor of the Land and Water Conservation Authorization and Funding Act (S.569), which permanently authorizes the Land and Water Conservation Fund. She also successfully secured funding for Hawaii’s “Island Forests at Risk” proposal in President Obama’s budgets for FY 2016 and 2017. This funding enabled the State to purchase environmentally sensitive land to expand Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park, expand the Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, and to allow the National Park Service to purchase land within Pohue Bay.

As a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Senator Hirono fought back against the Trump administration’s efforts to weaken or eliminate protections for public lands – including efforts to undo National Monument designations.  

She has also introduced legislation to establish Department of Energy grants for demonstration projects that will help Hawaii and other states learn how best to use growing amounts of renewable power and energy storage. Many provisions of this legislation are included in the bipartisan Energy and Natural Resources Act of 2017 (S.1460) that is awaiting consideration by the full Senate. 

Last year, Senator Hirono opposed legislation to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling and voted against Presidential nominees, including Secretary of Energy Perry and Secretary of the Interior Zinke, who prioritize fossil fuel extraction over conservation.
