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Hirono Questions Yates, Clapper on Trump Administration’s Ties to Russia

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Senator Mazie K. Hirono, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, questioned former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates and General James Clapper on Russian interference in our democracy, including the Trump administration’s ties to Russia.

Following the hearing, Senator Hirono released the following statement:

“In the past weeks, reports have come to light of Trump administration appointees who have either lied or omitted information regarding their contact with foreign governments. The most troubling of these cases involves the adequacy of the Trump administration’s vetting of former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn. Today, former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates and General James Clapper testified that the investigation of General Flynn’s activities exposed him to Russian blackmail. This is tantamount to posing a national security risk. The Trump administration cannot hide behind their assertion that they hold no responsibility to adequately vet General Flynn.”

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