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Hirono: President’s Budget Will Hurt Hawaii Families

Senator Mazie K. Hirono released the following statement on the President’s budget proposal:

“The President’s budget proposal – his first blueprint for our country’s future – is short on real details, but it’s clear that supporting strong local economies, building vibrant communities, or protecting the most vulnerable are not among his priorities.

“The President would completely eliminate programs that support Hawaii’s affordable housing efforts, clean energy investment, and opportunity for educational advancement and community service. It would end the Essential Air Service program that serves as a lifeline to Kalaupapa, Molokai, eliminates the TIGER grant program, which funded improvements to Saddle Road on Hawaii Island and Pier 29 on Oahu, and would threaten the Impact Aid program that ensures that every student in Hawaii’s public schools receives a quality education.

“In addition, under this plan, cuts to agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, and Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, Housing and Urban Development, and Commerce will seriously undermine protections for clean air and water, public health, worker safety, and our economy.

“Altogether this budget says one thing—If you’re rich and powerful, you’ll be fine. Everyone else is left out to dry. Those aren’t Hawaii’s values, and they certainly aren’t mine. I will fight against these nonsensical and harmful cuts.”