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Hirono Opposes "Lousy" Republican Attempt to Stop States from Helping People Save for Retirement

Senator Mazie K. Hirono took to the Senate floor to oppose Republican efforts to get rid of regulations that currently give cities and states the opportunity to set up programs to help more working families save for retirement. Senator Hirono shared the story of a working Hawaii senior struggling to save for retirement. 


From Senator Hirono’s remarks:

“For too many working people, saving for retirement isn’t automatic or easy. It seems out of reach. But we can’t let that stand. The Obama Administration recognized the retirement crisis in our country, and the need for new thinking to help people save. In fact, that’s the point of the regulations the Senate is poised to kill today.

“These regulations simply provide a framework that states and cities can use to expand access to retirement saving. There are no ‘big government’ mandates or industry takeovers. States and cities would simply have the opportunity to be creative and help families save for retirement. The fact Republicans want to kill these rules has a certain Alice in Wonderland’ quality to it, where up is down and down is up.”