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Hirono: Janus Decision Continues Far-Right Assault on Working Families

Will Lead Legislative Effort to Strengthen the Rights of Workers to Join Unions and Bargain Collectively

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Mazie K. Hirono released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s decision on Janus v. AFSCME Council 31.

“America’s public sector workers teach and nurture our children, keep us safe, and care for our families. As union members, they are empowered through collective action to fight for fair wages and work conditions,” Senator Hirono said. “This partisan, political decision from the Supreme Court will undermine public sector unions’ ability to fight for these basic protections for the 17.3 million public employees they represent. The Court’s decision continues a decades-long assault funded by far-right groups, such as the Koch Brothers, on working people. We must fight back. Joined by my Senate and House colleagues, I’ll be introducing legislation to establish the right of every public sector employee to join a union and bargain collectively.”

Senator Hirono and Representative Matt Cartwright (D-Penn.) will introduce the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act to ensure that public sector employees across the country are able to form and join a union and enter into a written contract with employers. The bill also reaffirms that it is the policy of the United States to encourage collective bargaining.
