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Hirono: I Believe General Kelly Will Provide Candid Advice to President Trump

After voting in support of General John Kelly, President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Homeland Security, Senator Mazie K. Hirono released the following statement:

“General Kelly has testified before the Senate Armed Services numerous times as the commander of U.S. Southern Command. I believe he will provide candid, reasoned advice to President Trump.

“While I supported his confirmation as Secretary of Homeland Security, I have serious concerns about whether he would accede to and implement President Trump’s problematic immigration policies, such as building a border wall, registering Muslims, and deporting millions of undocumented immigrants – particularly if participants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, or DREAMers, are targeted.

“During his confirmation hearing, General Kelly said that deporting DREAMers ‘might not be the highest priority.’ The DACA program gave these young men and women a chance to go to college, get a job, and live legally in the only country they know. Let me be clear. The deportation of DACA participants should not occur under his watch, period.

“As a strong advocate of comprehensive immigration reform, I will hold General Kelly and the Trump administration accountable if they choose to target immigrants and immigrant families, and will continue to fight for a more just immigration system that prioritizes family unity.”