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Hirono Honors Filipino World War II Veterans Ahead of Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony

Urges Eligible Veterans & Their Families to Register for Inclusion in Awarding of Congressional Gold Medal

HONOLULU Senator Mazie K. Hirono called on Filipino World War II veterans and their families to register to be recognized as collective awardees of the Congressional Gold Medal, one of Congress’ highest civilian honors.

Senator Hirono, Representative Colleen Hanabusa, and representatives of the Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project, including Major General (Retired) Tony Taguba, Abbie Shaw, and Ben Acohido, discussed the years-long effort to pass Senator Hirono and Representative Tulsi Gabbard’s bill to recognize Filipino World War II veterans with the Congressional Gold Medal, and upcoming plans for events in Washington, D.C. and Hawaii.

“Filipino World War II veterans have fought for decades for the recognition and benefits they were promised in return for their service,” said Senator Hirono. “The Congressional Gold Medal is a fitting tribute to their contributions during the war and their perseverance, and I look forward to celebrating with them next month. I urge all eligible veterans and their families to register with the Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project to be included in this honor.”

Veterans or their surviving relatives must register with the Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project if they wish to participate in the ceremony and receive a bronze replica medal. Applications can be found online through the Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project at

Senator Hirono and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s Filipino Veterans of World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act (Public Law 114-265), was signed into law by President Obama and awarded the medal collectively to the over 260,000 Filipino and Filipino-American soldiers who responded to President Roosevelt’s call-to-duty and fought under the American flag during World War II. 

Senator Hirono greets Filipino World War II veteran Domingo Los Banos
