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Hirono Convenes Working Group of Hawaii Reproductive Leaders Following Disastrous SCOTUS Decision Overturning Roe

HONOLULU, HI – Today, Senator Mazie K. Hirono (D-HI) convened a working group of reproductive leaders and health care experts following the disastrous Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Senator Hirono held an initial conversation today, with many more to come, to discuss the impact this decision will have on women in Hawaii, how to better support access to reproductive care in the state—particularly for low-income and minority communities—and how the state can work together to better support women across the country.

“While Hawaii has strong protections to ensure women have the right to reproductive care, our communities are feeling the impact and the uncertainty this disastrous decision has caused. We’ve heard from doctors and nurses whose patients aren’t sure about their rights—and this chaos and confusion disproportionately impacts low-income communities and communities of color,” said Senator Hirono. “This working group will continue to focus on how this decision is harming women in Hawaii and address ways to increase access to abortion across the islands.”  

The working includes representatives from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Hawaii Center for Nursing, Hawaii Women Lawyers, Papa Ola Lokahi, Planned Parenthood Regional Office, Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates, as well as State Representatives, and other women’s advocates.  

"Hawai'i has always been a leader in the right to abortion, and in this state no woman or pregnant person, and no health care provider should be afraid that's going to change,” Jennifer Allen, CEO of Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates. “We applaud Senator Hirono's lifelong leadership on abortion access, and her work to bring together a strong and diverse group of stakeholders to respond to the fall of abortion rights after the Supreme Court's unconscionable overturning of Roe v. Wade."

“The Hawai’i Section of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists joins with Senator Mazie Hirono in condemning the U. S. Supreme Courts’ Dobbs decision. We know firsthand the harms that patients can suffer when they cannot access the full range of evidence-based reproductive health care, including abortion care,” said Reni Soon, woman’s advocate. “We are committed to continuing to serve our patients with compassion and excellent clinical care, and to protecting and expanding access to abortion throughout Hawai’i.”
