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Hirono Breaks Ground at New Schofield Barracks Power Plant

Senator Mazie K. Hirono highlighted how collaboration between the U.S. Army and Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) will help the state achieve its ambitious 100% renewable energy goal at the ground breaking ceremony for a new mixed biofuel power plant at Schofield Barracks today. HECO will operate the 50 megawatt power plant, which will serve Army installations on Oahu and neighboring communities.

“Hawaii has the most ambitious renewable energy goal in the country, and this partnership between the Army and Hawaiian Electric Company demonstrates that we can think big to achieve our goals,” said Senator Hirono. “This power plant, which will operate off of a biofuel blend, will benefit civilian and military communities across Oahu. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I was able secure provisions to spur greater investments in renewable power in the Department of Defense’s budget, and will fight to make sure these changes are fully implemented.”


Senator Hirono and others break ground on the new power plant at Schofield Barracks

Senator Hirono speaks with Major General Christopher Cavoli, Commander of U.S. Army Hawaii and the 25th Infantry Division