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Hirono Talked With PACOM Chief About North Korea, Unveiled Bill To Boost Tourism In Hawaii & Hosted Centuries-Old Japanese Tea Ceremony To Honor Memory of Senator Inouye

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- It was another busy legislative week for Senator Mazie Hirono in Washington.   Check out five things you may have missed from Senator Hirono’s week:

1)     WATCH: Hawaii News Now profiles Senator Hirono’s conversation with Admiral Samuel Locklear, PACOM Commander, about the escalating North Korea situation at Tuesday’s Senate Armed Services Committee hearing--

2)     The Hawaii Tribune-Herald and media organizations throughout Hawaii profiled the bill Senator Hirono introduced yesterday that would make it easier for people from Hong Kong to visit the islands. 

Right now, people in Hong Kong can visit more than 140 countries and territories without visas, but these potential Hawaii tourists must still endure a time-consuming visa approval process in order to come to the United States,” Senator Hirono told reporters during her press briefing with travel experts and a Big Island tour operator.

3)     Civil Beat profiled Senator Hirono’s speech to family immigration advocates on the steps of the Capitol. During the speech, Senator Hirono argued that immigration reform should not make it harder for families to be reunited

Washington, D.C. based publication POLITICO also profiled Senator Hirono’s fight to help Filipino World War II vets reunite with their families in immigration reform

4)     Senator Hirono talked to the Star Advertiser about how President Obama’s request to increase military construction in Hawaii to $410 million is a great sign for the state, even as the nation deals with fiscal constraints.

"It is a sign that Hawaii is in a key position to play a major role in the military's rebalance to the Pacific,” Hirono said.The Asia-Pacific region is vitally important to our nation's strategic interests, and I'm glad to see that the President's budget reflects that national security imperative."

5)     WATCH-- Senator Mazie K. Hirono hosted Dr. Genshitsu Sen, the fifteenth generation Urasenke Grand Tea Master of Japan, as he performed a centuries-old tea ceremony for world peace in honor of the late Senator Daniel K. Inouye. Senator Inouye had intended to host the ceremony before he passed away late last year. 

Civil Beat’s DC correspondent wrote a beautiful, scene-setting wrap up of the event entitled “In Washington, D.C., A Cup of Tea Amid The Din and Memories of Inouye.” It’s worth a read.

Check out video afrom the event.