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Hirono Says Child Care Bill Will Help Hawaiians

Each month more than 9,000 families in the islands rely on federally supported child-care services to help them work or acquire new skills.

Who says Congress can’t agree on anything?

On Monday the U.S. Senate passed 88-1 the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 2014. Both of Hawaii’s senators voted in favor of the measure.

Mike Lee of Utah was the lone Republican to vote against the measure, which provides federal funding to states to help parents afford child care while working or in job training programs.

The measure already cleared the U.S. House of Representatives and now heads to the White House for President Obama’s expected signature.

Sen. Hirono promoting quality early learning at an event on Capitol Hill.

“For some parents, not having access to quality child care means they can’t work to support their family. This legislation allows families to balance the need to work with being able to ensure the health, safety and development of their keiki,” Hirono said via press release.

Hirono added, “Each month more than 9,000 Hawaii families rely on federally supported child care services that allow them to work or to acquire new job skills. Strengthening and renewing the (child care) program is an important way to keep our families safe and strong, and I’m proud to vote in favor of this bill.”

Hirono’s office says that last December, the senator partnered with Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) to send a letter to Senate committee leaders urging them to ensure Native Hawaiian children continue to be served by the federal government.

As well, an amendment by Hirono, Murkowski and Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) increases funding for current Native Hawaiian and mainland tribal child-care program.

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