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Editorial - Federal funds for job training could raise skillset of Hawaii’s workforce

Our View

There are a few ways to get more money.

You can work a lot of hours, maybe get a second job.

You can try your luck at gambling (but since gambling is illegal in Hawaii — and besides the odds being stacked against you, we don’t recommend this one).

You can borrow money, but that, too, ends up costing more than it was probably worth.

Or, you can increase your skills. Go to trade school. Go to college. Work your way up the ladder at your company. 

When you develop new skills, when you add to your resume and make yourself more valuable to employers, you are headed in the right direction.

That’s why we’re glad to see that nearly $10 million in federal funding was awarded to community colleges across Hawaii. The Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training competitive grant program, co-administered by the U.S. Department of Labor and U.S. Department of Education, will help support job-training programs at seven colleges in Hawaii, including Kauai Community College.

“By the time this year’s freshman are ready to graduate high school in 2018, estimates show that two-thirds of the jobs in Hawaii will require education or training beyond a high school diploma,” Hirono said. “Hawaii’s community colleges provide an important option to prepare Hawaii students for higher-skilled jobs in fields like information technology, cybersecurity, and health care. The Department of Labor’s investment in the U.H. Community College Consortium’s efforts is moving Hawaii toward a more secure and sustainable economic future.”

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