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Judiciary Debates Net Neutrality

Sens. Get Earful On Both Sides of Issue

The Senate Judiciary Committee heard from both sides of the network neutrality debate Wednesday in a hearing on the implications of the FCC's efforts to restore network neutrality rules — deadline for comment on that effort was Sept. 15). Sen. Richard Blumenthal raised the specter of ISP's suppressing speech, while Sen. Ted Cruz, suggesting things don't go better with net neutrality, likened FCC regs to nanny-state restrictions on the size of soft drinks.  

Democrats pushed for Internet rules of the road, while Republicans argued the virtuous cycle of investment and innovation would be threatened.

Given the debate over whether the FCC should use Title I or Title II authority, Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) asked whether Congress should be talking about a new Title.

Sen. Hirono: Should we be talking about a new, more flexible, Title, rather than Title I or the relatively heavy hand of Title II? O'Connor said her group would welcome that.

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