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President Obama Signs Hawaii Disaster Declaration

President Barack Obama signed a Public Assistance Disaster Declaration for Tropical Storm Iselle today in Washington D.C.

The White House reported that President Barack Obama “has declared a major disaster exists in the State of Hawaii and ordered federal aid to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the area affected by Tropical Storm Iselle during the period of August 7-9, 2014.”

Hawaii’s governor issued a release, saying the president’s declaration was in response to Governor Neil Abercrombie’s request for federal aid.

“I thank President Obama for issuing a major disaster declaration for the State of Hawai‘i,” said Senator Hirono. “Families and the community continue to rebuild after Tropical Storm Iselle hit over a month ago and much of the damage to our farms and homes will take many years to rebuild. Similar to how our communities came together during the disaster, we’ll continue to come together during recovery. I look forward to the ongoing work with my colleagues in our joint effort to help ensure people get the resources they need to rebuild.”

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