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Hirono Wants Congress to Pass Surveillance Reform

She and Schatz back USA FREEDOM Act, would end indiscriminate collection of telephone records

The U.S. Congress is set to reconvene this week, but it’s doubtful that members will get much done before returning home soon to campaign for re-election.

Then it’s lame-duck time until the new Congress is sworn in in early January.

Regardless, Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii is asking folks to petition Congress to pass the USA FREEDOM Act.

“The Senate Judiciary Committee reported a strong version of the USA FREEDOM Act to the full Senate which would end the indiscriminate collection of Americans’ telephone records and put in place stronger protections limiting broad-based dragnet surveillance programs,” Hirono said in a email to supporters last week.

She added, “We want the Senate to debate this bill — and pass it — as soon as Congress reconvenes in September. But our opponents want to delay consideration until after the November elections, if at all.”

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