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Hawaii's Congressional Delegation: Letdowns and New Year's Resolutions

Late December often prompts reflection about the year that has passed, and resolutions for the year to come.

For Hawaii's representatives in Congress, there were some big 2013 disappointments. Congress failed to pass comprehensive immigration reform or extend long-term unemployment benefits that are set to expire for nearly 1.2 million people. They are also impatient for federal recognition for Native Hawaiians similar to the recognition already granted to Alaska Natives and Native American tribes, and to pass legislation aimed at ending military sexual assaults.

Looking ahead, Hawaii representatives have a slew of policy goals, along with some personal ones — Sen. Mazie Hirono wants to "de-clutter" her home, Rep. Colleen Hanabusa wants to re-connect with old friends, and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard resolves to squeeze more surf and yoga into the coming year.

Civil Beat caught up with Hanabusa and Hirono by phone, and received email replies from Gabbard and Sen. Brian Schatz.

Read the entire piece here: