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Provision to benefit Filvets included in 2014 Defense Act

To expedite the release of compensation for Filipino World War II veterans, two legislators have included a provision for this group in the National Defense Authorization Act for 2014.

The Filipino Veterans Promise Act, inserted in the Defense Act by US Sen. Dean Heller of Nevada and US Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, is expected to help all eligible Filipino veterans receive the compensation they are entitled to for their service to the US during the war.

“This amendment is the least we can do for our nation’s brave Filipino veterans. Every effort must be made to ensure that those individuals who valiantly served alongside U.S. troops are properly recognized for their contributions to our nation,” Heller said in a statement.

“I am proud to work across party lines with Senator Hirono to ensure these Filipino veterans are treated with dignity and respect,” the Republican senator also said.

The National Defense Authorization Act, the yearly federal law specifying the budget and expenditures of the US Department of Defense, is currently being deliberated on in the Senate.

For her part, Hirono in a statement said, “Mahalo to Senator Heller for partnering with me to help ensure all Filipino World War II veterans who bravely served alongside Americans in the critical South West Pacific Theatre receive the compensation they have earned.”

Read the entire piece here: