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Senate Democrats Call for Confirmation of Attorney General Nominee Loretta Lynch

Senators Hirono joined Senators Charles Schumer, Debbie Stabenow, and Richard Blumenthal called for a vote on the confirmation of Loretta Lynch, President Obama’s nomination for Attorney General. Over the weekend, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pledged to refuse to bring Loretta Lynch’s confirmation to a vote until the Senate considered an amendment in a human trafficking bill that would restrict a woman’s right to choose. It has been 129 days since President Obama direst announced the nomination of Lynch to be Attorney General and 19 days since she passed the Judiciary Committee—more than the last five AGs had to wait combined.

“We are at another Groundhog Day moment, and we’ve seen this script before,” said Senator Hirono. “So here we are where the Republicans are tying Loretta Lynch’s confirmation to a totally unrelated bill on human trafficking.”

Watch Senator Hirono’s full remarks here.