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Budget Vote-a-Rama Takes Over Senate, Hirono Fights On Immigration, Education

Until early this morning, the Senate considered over 40 amendments to the Fiscal Year 2016 budget, an event known as “vote-a-rama.” Because of rules limiting debate on the Senate floor, Senators voted on amendments to the budget in rapid succession. Senator Hirono was on the Senate floor for more than 15 hours yesterday and early today.

Senator Hirono used the budget process as an opportunity to highlight many of her priorities. At around 11 pm eastern time, she spoke on the Senate floor in strong opposition to an immigration amendment that would roll back critical anti-trafficking and humanitarian protections for children from Central America.

Senator Hirono also introduced several amendments to the budget in line with her priorities including restoring year-round Pell Grants, which was eventually passed as an amendment, investing in clean energy and preserving the environment, helping keep air travel affordable for Hawaii and Alaska, and more.

Yesterday ahead of vote-a-rama, Senator Hirono took to the Senate floor to highlight how the Senate budget resolution, proposed by Republicans, favors special interests and the wealthy and would hurt our middle class and economy. Senator Hirono also touted two of the amendments she has filed in an attempt to improve the budget:  an amendment to restore year-round Pell Grants for college students and an amendment to invest in clean energy and preserve the environment.  

Watch her floor speech here: